Road Map for Texas
Constitutional Freedoms
Uphold the integrity of an impartial judiciary and prevent authoritarian policies
Defend fundamental 1st amendment rights against censorship and mandates
Safeguard essential 2nd amendment rights
Encourage personal and community responsibility over government dependence
Government Accountability and Transparency
Limit government to Constitutionally-defined duties
Demand transparency in government proceedings and accountability for actions
Create responsible budgets for taxpayer dollars
Implement term limits to restrict establishmentarianism and cronyism
Fight the weaponization of governmental agencies who circumvent voter decisions
State and National Security
Secure the border and eliminate economic incentives for the illegal immigration invasion
Empower law enforcement to fight criminal entities and punish criminality
Put American economic and community interests first
Reform policies to encourage legal immigration
Secure elections with voter ID, same day voting/counting, and hand-marked ballots
Economic Prosperity
Lower taxes, cut regulations, and eliminate activist agendas that inhibit Texas industry
Incentivize business growth, foster job creation, and discourage unemployment
Invest in growth of industries with high economic yield potential
The Family
Protect the sanctity of life at all ages and defend the nuclear family as essential
Safeguard parental rights in education and medicine and foster parental involvement
Restore moral decency to the public sphere
Refocus education on core academics while expanding practical training opportunities
Encourage merit, hard work, and achievement
Remove radical activism and ideological indoctrination
Incorporate essential American history and values
Foster parental empowerment by allowing your tax dollars to be used in the best educational interest of your child